My Story

From imposter and self-doubt to living life on my terms

It all started when...

I realised I was no longer on the right path.

Eight years as an Army Officer and the magic was starting to fade. I loved my early years of service leading, training, coaching and developing soldiers. At the time I didn't realise I was doing something I was good at and really enjoyed until it ended.

With natural career progression I moved into a stressful HR role working long hours. With a great pang I suddenly missed my old roles. Outwardly, I was doing a good job but internally my energy was burning out. With promotion on the horizon I realised that I might never get to work side by side developing people again.

My gut knew I had to leave and I handed in my notice but what an earth was I going to do? And was I throwing away a stable career?

Then the doubt set in...

Like most people, I started looking around at roles and talking to people about their work. I cast my net wide and considered all sorts of options. Nothing clicked until someone suggested professional coaching and a portfolio career - earning an income from a variety of roles - but this would mean being self-employed. It sounded amazing but could I really do this?

Then the fear set in...

When I thought about telling people I wanted to be a professional coach, mediator and train leadership skills I suddenly felt embarrassed and a massive imposter. When I spoke to my family about about leaving the stability and prospects of my military career to take on the financial risk of being self-employed (from a place of care) they cautioned me against it.

I got to work...

I couldn't let the idea drop but needed more time. I asked the military to extend my contract for two more years and whilst working full-time I completed my PG Diploma in Positive Psychology and Coaching Psychology, built up extensive coaching hours and launched Soul Path. I talked to tons of amazing people about my plans - conversation by conversation my path became clearer. But I was still so scared that when it came down to it, I wouldn't be able to pay my mortgage or find enough work.

I found new people...

I had coaching myself and that allowed me to see my worth and grow my confidence in my abilities. I surrounded myself with ambitious and collaborative people that changed my mindset and beliefs about what was possible. When the time came to say goodbye to my military salary I had only one month's work lined up and opportunities in the pipeline. I didn't know it at the time but it was also the same month I fell pregnant.

Sink or swim...

It was an incredibly nerve-wracking transition but within a few months I had almost the whole year booked up with work. In my first year I made an income from delivering leadership courses, coaching clients one-to-one, delivering my own workshops, working with the army reserves, mediating, dog walking and renting my property.

Life on my terms..

Now I have a young family I will be forever grateful I took the step into self-employment as it has allowed me to do the work that brings me great joy, spend more time being present with my little boy and create my own routine to live healthier.

For self-employment, business and portfolio career starters

You can do this too! There is no obstacle that you can't overcome to kick off your passion and start living life on your terms when you have

support and a mindset for growth.

My philosophy: collaboration over competition

My Values


Because honesty is kindness. Getting comfortable with honest feedback, both complementary and constructive, is integral to learning and growth. In coaching it is my role to hold up the proverbial mirror and shine a light into the darkness - this is how we all learn and grow.


Nobody knows what is going on for another person - sometimes we don't even know what's going on for ourselves! I have been complimented on my ability to create a safe and non-judgemental space for sharing, vulnerability and learning. I hope my kindness transcends all of my interactions.


If something was easy to do everyone would be doing it. It takes courage to step out of your comfort zone and make a change. I find I have more courage when I get reassurance and when my wellbeing tank is topped up. I have seen many clients succeed by taking imperfect action - refine later!

Get Inspired ~ Connect ~ Take Action

Casey Fuke ~ EMCC Accredited Positive Psychology Coach

NLP Practitioner

Mental Resilience Trainer

Workplace and Family Mediator

Leadership Training Facilitator

British Army Reserve Officer

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